Monday 28 February 2011

Uncle Paul Week

Became an uncle again this week, my brother and partner had a little girl!

Training wise another good week, maybe 1 run and 1 swim down on planned but overall 15 1/2 hrs.
2 hrs 40 running / 2hrs swim / 11hrs biking

Managed a few runs including my long run on the treadmill wednesday, achilles still not right but managing to get away with 3 runs per week, with lots of icing.

Had some scientific testing on Saturday, got some lactate levels tested for the run and bike which was interesting and useful for Ironman training.
The bike test was also a max HR test, 184 max Hr with the last minute av 412watts.  Haven't worked at this intensity for quite a few months and after having a pretty heavy 2 weeks training I felt bit under the weather saturday evening.
Decided to miss Sunday morning swim as I was a bit heady and achy, and wanted to get the long ride in I had planned. That all worked well and we cycled 152km Sunday, 18 miles over to Lydd, rode the Half Ironman course (56 miles) that we are racing in May then cycled back. Rode with JP and SC, all riding well.

This week might be less volume, had the day off today, feel ok but glands are up so need body to recover. Tomorrow hope to do an easy swim and run, Wednesday I am in Scotland with work so that will be a rest day.

We have a great weekend planned, me, SC, JP, SK leaving for Wales Friday afternoon to ride the Ironman course saturday, swim session and then run a couple loops of the run course sunday, so quite a heavy training weekend.

Becci racing eastbourne half this sunday.

fingers crossed for no rain!

I will get some photos of wales Ironman course and weekend to update next week.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Back to the Future!

As promised, pic of TL Sports Events stand at the TCR show, and the 2 guys that stood there for 3 days!

I am updating this weeks blogs watching Back to the future 1, as this is now JW's favourite movie trilogy!

If time travel were possible it would be so handy for athletes as we have all made wrong decisions to train when ill or injured etc and it seems even with experience it is such a hard decision to back off or dare I say it ' REST' for a few days!

Anyway, good week on the whole for me.
A real positive is I am back running, 2 treadmill runs in the week with no reaction and a 65 mins road run today.  I am pretty proud of myself over the past few weeks as I feel I have made good decisions, one when I had a cold and also the management of my achilles. I managed both these situations well, and as a results didn't lose any extra training time, when it would have been easy to not listen to my body carry on as normal and lost plenty of training time.  I know for a fact that having my long term knee injury totally changed my approach to training and I am much more flexible and intuitive with my training. Also aqua-running is great, and I will swap some running into the water still to make sure my achilles is 100%. ( everyone should get an aqua belt!)

Overall did 17hrs training, clocked up 11hrs biking ( 2 turbos / 2 outside rides) , 2.5hrs running and 3.5 hrs swimming.

This weekend has been enjoyable, big group of our clubs Ironman Wales crew did the Mad Jack Audax ride. 122km total, 2660m total climbing, crap weather, out for 6hrs with a ride time of 5:20, so the rest must have been chatting or eating at the feed stations!  I wouldn't want to cycle in that weather again soon but I do like training with our crew, and there was some great banter to save us all from crying!
Today was very steady, a technique based swim session with SC and JP and a 65 min steady run with Jamie and JP which finished off a good week.

Legs are tired, but I have eaten well and will take it steady for a couple of days to make sure my body recovers from this week.

Brother's baby due any day, GC off for a week.  There is still a slim chance of getting away to La Santa in March,but it will have to be a last minute decision.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

A three day endurance session!

I think I may have found an endurance event, to test the toughest of athletes.

Spend three days at a trade show! Tl sports events had a stand at the triathlon show, great weekend for the business but It really wrecks you standing and talking for 3 days! Knew it would be busy so had planned to take the three days as 'no training' I will update a photo of the stand, me and Greg.

Monday I managed a swim, including 10 x 100m main set. 1:20-1:22 off 1:40. Felt ok but pretty flat after weekend.
This evening I did a 80min turbo set with a 30 min treadmill run off. Pleased to be running alittlee, wasn't quick but if I can keep some running in each week that will do.
Achilles feels bit tender after so managing it best I can. it is sitting in an ice bucket as I write this.

Quite a few of us doing the 120k audax ride on sat which wil be good

Feel better this evening energy wise, lots to do personally and work wise this week.

Dad back Thursday, and my bro should become a daddy within the next week. I will be an uncle again!

Getting nearer organising a group recci trip to ride the Wales ironman course. The final course was released at the weekend, not as much climbing as I first thought.

Next post will add some pics

Thursday 10 February 2011

Delay in update

Been 10 days since my last update.

Since Feb 1st I had a cold for a few days, so had to take it steady over the weekend, just spun easy on turbo sat.

Thursday night now and had a good week since monday, got in a long ride 105k hilly, Turbo session and three good swims. Plus I have switched my running to aqua jogs to give the achilles a chance to settle 100% 30-35 mins each session. I will have to manage the achilles well, and maintain my running as best I can over the next few weeks, wont risk anything this early.

Working away this weekend at the TCR, going to take a couple of rest days.

LT turbo set today as a test set. 290w av 32 mins, 160HR.  tough after not working at this intensity for a few months.

Entered the Mad Jack Fuller audax ride next sat with a few of the club, should be a fun ride and 4-6 hours in the saddle.

Off to bed, away now until Monday.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

1st Feb !!

January gone already, I don't like to wish time away but January and Feb are not good months if you like training.  Cold and wet!

Last week was all quite straight forward since weds.
Thurs - Day off
Friday - swim 30 mins / Bike 80 mins spinning below 130HR
Sat - run easy part with run club ( 10k in total) achilles getting better
Sunday - Marathon coaching day - long easy run 11.5 miles ( achilles didn't like this at all!)  if I wasn't coaching this day I would never had run so bit frustrating.

Monday - achilles quite bad.  Won't run for at least 1 week, so switching run sessions to Aqua Jogging and later in week onto X-trainer.
Tuesday  - swim 2.5k set technique / 30 min Aqua Run.

Dont feel 100% since weekend, getting ready and delivering coaching day is always quite draining as it was the first. Happy to tick over, keep intensity low and focus on technique.

Out and about to meetings about events weds / thurs so will just swim / aqua-run, then bring in some light spinning at the end of the week.

Becci B-day on thurs.